Godot Open Dialogue


The project

The Godot Open Dialogue is a non-linear conversation system created by J. Sena and released as CC-BY. The current version of the system requires the 3.1 (or newer) version of the Godot Engine. You can change the code to make it work on previous versions but things may not work as they should.

The license

I put a lot of time and effort on this project to make sure it is bug free (as much as possible), easy to use and fits the needs of most projects. By releasing it under the CC-BY license I don't intend to have my name included in the credits of your game (it would be awesome if you do but you don't have to). Just make sure to credit me if you share the code of your project (i.e. game jam projects). Feel free to get in touch to tell me you're using my script on a project. It will greatly help me to keep myself motivated and release new versions.

The block types

In order to define the various possible behaviors during a conversation the system has a few sets of parameters called blocks. Each block has its own ways to be customized and connected to other blocks in order to create a rich dialogue experience. You can see below the block types and the way they can be used.

1. text

The most common type of dialogue block probably will be the text one. This is the simplest way to print a string in the players screen.

The parameters

type Must be set to "text".
content Here goes the string to be parsed and printed.
avatar Must be a string with the avatar's relative path to the "/img/characters/" folder.
name Must be a string with the characters name.
position Must be set to "left" or "right" to indicate where the player's avatar and name will appear.
animation_in Must be a string with the animation to be played at the beginning of the block's execution. Current available animations are "shake_weak_short", "shake_weak_medium", "shake_weak_long", "shake_regular_short", "shake_regular_medium", "shake_regular_long", "shake_strong_short", "shake_strong_medium", "shake_strong_long", "fade_in", "fade_out" (doesn't make any sense in this case but can be used), "move_in", "move_out" (again, can be used regardless of making any sense), "on", "off" (you know...).
animation_out Must be a string with the animation to be played at the end of the block's execution. Current available animations are "shake_weak_short", "shake_weak_medium", "shake_weak_long", "shake_regular_short", "shake_regular_medium", "shake_regular_long", "shake_strong_short", "shake_strong_medium", "shake_strong_long", "fade_in", "fade_out", "move_in", "move_out", "on", "off".
next You can set the name of the next dialogue block. If the current block doesn't have a "next" parameter it will be the last dialogue block to be shown.

Code example:

"block_name": { "type": "text", "name": "Jimmy", "avatar": "jimmy/01.png", "position": "left", "animation_in": "shake_weak_short", "animation_out": "off", "content": "This string will be parsed and printed", "next": "next_block_name" }

2. divert

This type can be used when you want to show certain blocks based on conditions.

The parameters

type Must be set to "divert".
condition Can be "boolean", "equal", "greater", "less" or "range".
dictionary Name of the dictionary containing the "variable" to check.
variable Name of the variable to check.
value Unless your "condition" is set to "boolean" you must specify a value to perform the check. Important: If you are using "equal" as condition you can set the "value" to any type (i.e. string, array, int, float). If you are using "greater" or "less" it needs to be int or float. If you are using "range" it must be an array with two values (int or float)
true The name of the block to be called if the check returns true.
false The name of the block to be called if the check returns false.

Code example for "boolean":

"block_name": { "type": "divert", "condition": "boolean", "dictionary": "variables", "variable": "variable_name", "true": "block_name_if_true", "false": "block_name_if_false" }

Code example for "equal":

"block_name": { "type": "divert", "condition": "equal", "dictionary": "variables", "variable": "variable_name", "value": "string example", "true": "block_name_if_true", "false": "block_name_if_false" }

Code example for "greater":

"block_name": { "type": "divert", "condition": "greater", "dictionary": "variables", "variable": "variable_name", "value": 5, "true": "block_name_if_true", "false": "block_name_if_false" }

Code example for "less":

"block_name": { "type": "divert", "condition": "less", "dictionary": "variables", "variable": "variable_name", "value": 5, "true": "block_name_if_true", "false": "block_name_if_false" }

Code example for "range":

"block_name": { "type": "divert", "condition": "range", "dictionary": "variables", "variable": "variable_name", "value": [3, 6], "true": "block_name_if_true", "false": "block_name_if_false" }

3. question

This type allows you to have a question with multiple options for the player to choose. Based on the answer you can call another block of any type.

The parameters

type Must be set to "question".
text Here goes the question string to be parsed and printed as a question. If the typewriter effect is active the player will only be allowed to select an option once the script has done printing the entire text.
options Here goes an array of strings to be displayed as choices. You can use as many options as you like.
avatar Must be a string with the avatar's relative path to the "/img/characters/" folder.
name Must be a string with the characters name.
position Must be set to "left" or "right" to indicate where the player's avatar and name will appear.
animation_in Must be a string with the animation to be played at the beginning of the block's execution. Current available animations are "shake_weak_short", "shake_weak_medium", "shake_weak_long", "shake_regular_short", "shake_regular_medium", "shake_regular_long", "shake_strong_short", "shake_strong_medium", "shake_strong_long", "fade_in", "fade_out" (doesn't make any sense in this case but can be used), "move_in", "move_out" (again, can be used regardless of making any sense), "on", "off" (you know...).
animation_out Must be a string with the animation to be played at the end of the block's execution. Current available animations are "shake_weak_short", "shake_weak_medium", "shake_weak_long", "shake_regular_short", "shake_regular_medium", "shake_regular_long", "shake_strong_short", "shake_strong_medium", "shake_strong_long", "fade_in", "fade_out", "move_in", "move_out", "on", "off".
next Here goes an array of strings with the names of the blocks to show based on the player's answer. Important: This array must have the same size of "options".

Code example:

"block_name": { "type": "question", "name": "Jimmy", "avatar": "jimmy/01.png", "position": "left", "animation_in": "shake_weak_short", "animation_out": "off", "text": "String to be parsed and printed.", "options": ["Text for option 1", "Text for option 2"], "next": ["block_for_option_1", "block_for_option_2"] }

4. action

This type allows you to perform an action without having to print anything.

The parameters

type Must be set to "action".
text Here goes a string to be parsed and printed. If the block has no "text" parameter it will execute the action and then, if available, go to the "next" block.
operation The operations available for now are "variable" and "random".
dictionary If you choose to perform the "variable" operation you must specify the dictionary containing the variable to be updated.
value If you want to perform the "variable" this parameter should be an array of arrays (even if you are only updating one variable) the subarrays having the variable name as the index 0 and the value as the index 1. In case you choose to perform the "random" operation this parameter must be an array of strings contaning the names of the blocks to be randomly picked.
avatar Must be a string with the avatar's relative path to the "/img/characters/" folder. Important: This will not have any effect if you choose to perform the "random" operation.
name Must be a string with the characters name. Important: This will not have any effect if you choose to perform the "random" operation.
position Must be set to "left" or "right" to indicate where the player's avatar and name will appear. Important: This will not have any effect if you choose to perform the "random" operation.
animation_in Must be a string with the animation to be played at the beginning of the block's execution. Current available animations are "shake_weak_short", "shake_weak_medium", "shake_weak_long", "shake_regular_short", "shake_regular_medium", "shake_regular_long", "shake_strong_short", "shake_strong_medium", "shake_strong_long", "fade_in", "fade_out" (doesn't make any sense in this case but can be used), "move_in", "move_out" (again, can be used regardless of making any sense), "on", "off" (you know...). Important: This will not have any effect if you choose to perform the "random" operation.
animation_out Must be a string with the animation to be played at the end of the block's execution. Current available animations are "shake_weak_short", "shake_weak_medium", "shake_weak_long", "shake_regular_short", "shake_regular_medium", "shake_regular_long", "shake_strong_short", "shake_strong_medium", "shake_strong_long", "fade_in", "fade_out", "move_in", "move_out", "on", "off". Important: This will not have any effect if you choose to perform the "random" operation.
next You can set the name of the next dialogue block. If the current block doesn't have a "next" parameter it will be the last dialogue block to be shown. Important: This will not have any effect if you choose to perform the "random" operation.

Code example for "variable":

"block_name": { "type": "action", "operation": "variable", "dictionary": "variables", "text": "Optional string to be parsed and printed.", "value": [["var_1", true], ["var_2", "oranges"]], "next": ["next_block_name"] }

Code example for "random":

"block_name": { "type": "action", "operation": "random", "text": "Optional string to be parsed and printed.", "value": ["block_name_1", "block_name_2", "block_name_3"] }


Can I use bbcode?

Yes. You can use all the bbcode functions available in Godot but you should always use @ (or any other character you set in the script configuration variables) to indicate line breaks. If you use \n or just put the text in different lines it will mess with the typewriter effect

Correct way of using multiple lines:

"text": "This text goes in the first line.@This one goes in the second line."

How can I set pauses?

You can indicate pauses during the text by just putting a | (or any other character you set in the script configuration variables) in the places you want the text to pause for a while. You can use as many pauses as you want but they will not if there are the last characters in the string.

Correct way of using pauses:

"text": "Hi.| This is how we use pauses.| You can use multiple pauses for||| ...dramatic effect!"

What are the features planned for the next version?

I actually don't have a classic roadmap for this project. I have several features in mind but they will only be implemented if they match these conditions:

Is this project still being developed?

If you are reading the online version of this page, the answer is yes.

When the next version is going to be released?

I honestly have no idea. It can be tomorrow, next week or next month. Since I'm working on this project on my free time I cannot tell for sure when the next version is going to be availabe. Be sure to follow me on Twitter and/or favorite the official repository to know when it is available.

I have some ideias. How can I contact you?

If you have any suggestions you can open an issue in the official repository of contact me via Twitter but do not expect your suggestions to be accepted unless they are really useful.

My game have some specific needs that may not fit the project. Are you available for hiring?

Yes. I'm available as a freelancer programmer (for Godot only). Contact me via Twitter and we'll talk about your project. ;)


May 10th, 2019

Jan 14th, 2019

Jan 7th, 2019